Un aspetto sano e gradevole è il desiderio di persona. Migliorare i nostri difetti, le nostre parti che tendono ad invecchiare senza interventi di chirurgia invasiva è il desiderio ardente di bravi e ingegnosi ricercatori della medicina estetica.

Il sogno di tutti i medici estetici è restituire ai pazienti un po’ di giovinezza senza ledere, tagliare o bucare la pelle. È per questo che si sta ricorrendo sempre più frequentemente alla chirurgia non ablativa, in special modo al Plexr.

Si tratta di un metodo straordinariamente non invasivo che ti fa ringiovanire senza bisturi. Sfrutta, difatti, il plasma che rappresenta il quarto stato della materia, un gas formato da elettroni e ioni, neutralizzandoli e producendo la sublimazione che consiste nel passaggio dallo stato solido a quello gassoso, evitando lo stato liquido.

Formidabile è dir poco perché il calore generato, si trasmette solo nella zona da trattare senza intaccare i tessuti circostanti, curando una lesione senza disturbare l’organo più vicino. Bisogna dire che il tipo di trattamento si applica in molti campi: rughe, cicatrici di ogni tipo, smagliature, acne, minifilling, macchie della pelle, tatuaggi, fibromi, angiomi, biostimolazione transdermica, correggendo e migliorando in modo estremamente breve ed efficace le imperfezioni e gli inestetismi.

Nel caso della blefaroplastica si ottiene un interessante e sorprendente risultato, in quanto gli effetti sono visibili da subito e senza aver usato, aghi o bisturi o addirittura anestetici, iniettati con siringhe. Cosa altro dire in merito ad un metodo che ci sorprende e ci affascina per la tecnica, mirata a sconvolgere in un certo qual modo,tutte quelle metodiche aggressive e invasive, con risultati di traumi post-intervento?

E’ un trattamento che attendevamo e che finalmente non resta che sperimentarlo su se stessi e farlo conoscere e raccontarlo affinché arrivi ad un pubblico sempre più vasto! C’è da sottolineare una notizia interessante in merito ai costi: nonostante gli effetti siano veloci e duraturi i prezzi non sono da capogiro ma accessibili ad una più ampia fetta di clientela.

Le sedute variano a seconda dell’estensione della lesione da trattare e ovviamente della gravità. Per quanto concerne il neo, l’angioma o la verruca basta una sola seduta per ottenere nell’immediato un risultato efficace e risolutivo.

Precisiamo, infine, che, chiaramente, ogni tipo di pelle reagisce in modo personale e quindi, in alcuni casi, potrebbero necessitare più sedute. Un piccolo prezzo da pagare per evitare, in compenso, bisturi ed effetti collaterali.




Perché il BIO PLEXR:

1. Metodica sicura, indolore, biologica, senza iniezioni ed effetti collaterali, piacevole per il paziente.

2. Miglioramento immediato della qualità e dell’aspetto della cute.

3. Nessuna interruzione delle attività quotidiane.

4. Alternativa complementare a metodiche e trattamenti più invasivi.

5. Trattamento senza stagionalità e con ridotti costi di applicazione.

6. Metodica di facile accettazione verso soggetti diffidenti e contrari a trattamenti invasivi.

7. Instant Beauty: trattamento lampo per un evento importante.


L’obbiettivo è ridurre i segni del tempo con una Biostimolazione ad azione combinata, abbinando nella stessa sedut: Peeling,  Microcorrenti e Veicolazione Transdermica di prodotti farmaceutici  in soluzione ed in gel.



Cosa si ottiene con il Bio PLEXR:

·    Riduzione dello strato corneo, apertura degli sbocchi ghiandolari, normalizzare il film lipo-proteico.

·    Stimolazione degli strati più superficiali del derma con attivazione dei fattori di crescita.

·    Stimolazione mitocondriale con flussi di elettroni sulla catena respiratoria.

·    Stimolazione delle correnti endogene per la genesi di ATP, sintesi delle proteine, trasporto attivo degli aminoacidi.

·    Veicolazione transdermica con aumento dell’assorbimento delle sostanze topiche applicate ad azione stimolante la neo-collagenogenesi, la neo-angiogenesi, contrastando l’azione enzimatica litica.

·    Favorire il raggiungimento dei risultati prima o dopo un trattamento estetico (peeling, fillers, blefaroplastica dinamica non ablativa, fili virtuali con il Needle Shaping, ecc).



La cadenza delle sedute è di un trattamento settimanale nel primo mese e bisettimanale nel secondo. Attesa la rigenerazione cellulare (28-30 gg), si procede per almeno 2-3 mesi con un richiamo mensile, periodo che varia secondo il tipo e l’entità dell’inestetismo da trattare.

Ulteriore bio-stimolazione a distanza di 6-10 mesi.

Il BIO PLEXR può essere eseguito in qualsiasi periodo dell’anno



Prof. Giorgio Fippi's off-label Plexr


Bio-Plexr: the bio-revitalisation method

by Dr. Andrea Turchi, Aesthetic Physician

Any protocol in Aesthetic Medicine cannot ignore bio-revitalisation, which improves the basal condition of the derma, strengthening it and ensuring that any subsequent treatments are more effective and long-lasting.


These are crucial elements in a patient's decision to undergo a programme of therapy and also constitute an important loyalty-enhancing factor for subsequent procedures.



1. Safe, painless, organic, without injections or side effects, pleasant for the patient.

2. Immediate improvement in skin quality and appearance.

3. No interruption to daily activities.

4. A complement or alternative to more invasive treatments and methods.

5. Treatment does not depend on seasonality and application costs are reduced.

6. Method easily accepted by diffident subjects and those against invasive treatments.

7. Instant Beauty: flash treatment for an important occasion.


The objective is to reduce the signs of time through combined action biostimulation, combining in the same session peeling, micro-currents and transdermal administration of pharmaceutical drugs in solution or gel form.



What can be obtained with Bio PLEXR:

·    Reduction of the corneal layer, opening of the gland outlets, normalisation of the lipoprotein film.

·    Stimulation of the dermal layers closest to the surface with activation of growth factors.

·    Mitochondrial stimulation with electron flows on the respiratory chain.

·    Stimulation of endogenous currents by ATP genesis, synthesis of proteins and active transport of amino acids.

·    Transdermal administration with increased absorption of topical substances applied with a stimulating action, neo-collagenogenesis, neo-angiogenesis, contrasting with the lytic enzyme action.

·    Enhanced attainment of results before or after aesthetic treatment (peeling, fillers, dynamic non-ablative blepharoplasty, virtual threads with Needle Shaping, etc.).



STEP 1 - PLASMA PEELING (3-6 minutes approx.: face, neck, décolleté): a physical peeling using micro-plasma to sublimate the corneal layer imperceptibly through exfoliation and activation of the skin's upper layer, with careful cleaning beforehand to reduce the external lipid envelope (formed by the omega-hydroxyceramides).

Reduction of the corneal layer is possible with the red handpiece of the PLEXR and a long pin, bent at about 90°:

·    insert the pin in the spindle (from the point, keeping the head towards the outside);


OSS: During contact, switch on the handpiece, always taking care to turn it off whenever it is removed from the skin, thus avoiding the formation of plasma and the slight shock that the patient would feel.


A physical peeling is obtained, moving rapidly over the facial skin, noticing the characteristic odour of the sublimated cornea, but without causing any external mark except for a minimal and bland reddening, noticeable both by sight and by touch (considerable smoothing of the skin's surface).


Correct transpiration through the skin brings 7% more of the oxygen necessary to its functions. The corneal layer tends to slow down transpiration depending on its own thickness and therefore reducing it means bringing more oxygen to the inside of tissue that is already in distress. Moreover, we open a "door" for the substances we need to administer to pass through.


STEP 2 - Application of PDRN, only in subjects over 40 years old (it lasts around 4 minutes - use about 1/3 of a vial of PLACENTEX): with DNA of low molecular weight, it is a linear polymer of deoxyribonucleotides whose monomer units are purine and pyrimidine bases. These nucleotides (adenine, guanine, thymine, cytosine) are formed by a phosphate group and nitrogen bases linked to the deoxyribose by an n-glycoside bond.

·    Once the surface corneal layer has thinned (STEP 1), the PDRN is applied in small drops, drawing the red Plexr handpiece with the flat pin across the whole of the skin area (Fig. 2); (the flow of directed electrons allows rapid transport and complete absorption since the nucleotides have a negative electric charge).  

Scientific works confirm a 30% increase in fibroblastic activity, with an increase in collagen and fibronectin with filling of the derma. Through activation of the “salvage pathways”, i.e. recovery pathways, these nucleotides are used (without forming them ex novo) to encourage the synthesis of DNA and RNA and therefore of cellular mytosis. Stimulating the CD39 and CD44 receptors, the type of collagen formed will be fibrotic and therefore suitable for skin that is no longer young.

In any case, the result is a regenerating stimulation, activating the metabolism of the fibroblasts, repairing the damage to DNA caused by physical and chemical agents and free radicals, increasing cellular oxygenation and exerting a mitotic action on the adipocytes.

STEP 3 - APPLICATION SOLUTION: antiseptic solution, anti-oedematous and lymph draining with hydrogen peroxide, benzalkonium chloride, urea and citric acid (lasting approximately 3-4 minutes).

The solution is distributed over the whole face, neck and décolleté.

Bio-stimulation of wrinkles:

·    Position the same bent pin on the Green handpiece of the Plexr, insert the point of the spindle, leaving the part with the pinhead free.

·    Apply small droplets in the crease of the wrinkle to be treated, lay the head of the pin on the skin and turn on the handpiece WITHOUT EVER REMOVING IT FROM THE SKIN, draw it along the crease of the wrinkle (nasogenian, periocular, perilabial) until the liquid dries.


Bio-stimulation of the skin:

·    Proceed with the treatment, placing the pin in contact with the skin along almost its entire length (Fig. 2). In this phase, which lasts 3-4 minutes, the flow of micro-currents exerts a specific stimulation action on the capillaries and improvement of flow, with a neo-angiogenesis immediately visible, improving oxygenation of the skin, while the citric acid has a dual function, both exfoliating and stimulating (citric acid cycle). The complexion becomes pale temporarily.

·    STEP 4 - APPLICATION GEL WITH HA: a gel with hyaluronic acid (HA) and low molecular weight (lasts approximately 4 minutes).

Apply a gel with hyaluronic acid (HA) to facilitate the subsequent transfer of the HA with low molecular weight contained therein. Treat for about 5 minutes, still using the bent pin. The time it takes depends on the speed of absorption. This will be less in the first treatment, growing longer in subsequent treatments, also because of the gradual reduction in the corneal layer. While the micro-currents continue to do their work, the hyaluronic acid with low molecular weight not only performs the function of a moisturising and volume-building component of the extra-cellular matrix but also a strategic, physiological and metabolic role with the cell populations in the skin tissue.

An increase in consistency is immediately noticeable due to the recovery of liquids under the skin. This tends to stabilise in subsequent applications.

Almost like an intelligent bomb, it is possible to give priority to the more hypotonic zones (cheekbones, lips) and obtain aesthetically pleasing results and also an improvement in the dermal matrix, also acting on the metabolism and oxidative phosphorylation of the mitochondria.


·    Complete the treatment with a good protective and soothing cream and a multi-digital connectival massage, pinching the skin slowly and gently for about 4 minutes, (this procedure, once again, stimulating the collagen fibres and fibroblasts), with a "relaxing" function for the patient and improved compliance.


The areas of initial increase in capillaries will turn red for about 15-20 minutes and the aesthetic effect of the first session will improve in subsequent sessions, through a genuine restructuring of the skin.



The frequency of the sessions is one session a week for the first month then once a fortnight in the second month. After cellular regeneration (28-30 days), a monthly booster session should take place for at least 2-3 months, a period that will vary according to the scope of the unaesthetic zone to be treated. 

Further bio-stimulation after 6-10 months.  

BIO PLEXR can be used at any time of the year.